All our plans include:
– Unlimited Premium Data*
– National 5G coverage.
– Unlimited calls and SMS.
– Direct calls to Cuba (No Apps).
– SMS to Cuba (Free – Unlimited).
– Roaming in Cuba (Exclusive Service)
We have a Family Plan available.
Tarjeta SIM: es la tarjeta física que acostumbras a ver en casi todos los dispositivos móviles y tablets.
eSIM: es una versión digital de la SIM que no necesita ser insertada en el dispositivo y puede ser activada inmediatamente.
Keep the same number: You can keep your current number. Our team will guide you on how to transfer it to our network.
Get New Number: You can get a new local number based on the Zip Code you select.
Correo Electrónico (eSIM): en el caso de que selecciones eSIM, recibirás un correo electrónico apenas termines tu compra con la información necesaria.
USPS (SIM Card): We use USPS to ship our SIM cards, in no more than 72 hours* you will receive the card.
Our activation process is extremely simple. If you already received your SIM information, you can start the process and enjoy all our benefits.